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Army of Women

A Call to Action for Diversity in Research Studies

Written by Elaiza Torralba, Research Intern

Racial and ethnic minorities make up about 40 percent of the United States, but they are not very well represented in research studies. Researchers have pointed out that “ignoring the racial/ethnic diversity of the US population is a missed scientific opportunity to fully understand factors that lead to disease or health.”1

Army of Women Researcher Webinar Series: A Conversation with Dr. Susan Love

In case you missed the September Army of Women Research Results Webinar, the video broadcast is now available! The webinar featured Dr. Susan Love, Chief Visionary Officer of Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Principal Investigator of the Bacterial and Viral Diversity Study and the Mapping the Breast Ducts Study. Watch the recording above to hear Dr. Love discuss the study results and read a summary of the studies below.

Bacterial and Viral Diversity Study

Researcher Webinar Series—Current Studies: A Conversation with Dr. Juliet Spencer

Researchers at the University of San Francisco have found that a protein produced by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) called cmvIL-10 promotes the growth and spread of breast cancer cells, increasing the likelihood of metastasis. The cmvIL-10 protein is frequently found at higher than normal levels in the blood of cancer patients.

This study will allow researchers to evaluate cmIL-10 blood levels in breast cancer patients and compare cmIL-10 levels in healthy women and women diagnosed with breast cancer within the last 5 years. If the study finds that some breast cancer patients have higher levels of cmIL-10, it's possible that the test might be useful for determining whether some patients might benefit from anti-viral drug treatments. If levels are higher in patients with more advanced breast cancer, then it's possible that screening for cmIL-10 could help doctors monitor whether metastases are more likely to develop or whether a woman's cancer is responding to treatment. This study was launched to the Army of Women on September 15th, 2015 and the research team is still looking for people to participate.

Thank you for your interest in the "Breastfeeding and Cancer Risk Questionnaire"!

Unfortunately, this survey is now closed. We were thrilled to receive over 8,600 responses and are currently studying the results. We appreciate your interest in participating and support of our research efforts.

Please keep an eye out and visit our website for upcoming studies and other opportunities to participate in our research program!

Dr. Susan Love
Chief Visionary Officer

Army of Women Research Webinar Series - Current Studies: A Conversation with Dr. Juliet Spencer

Past webinars from our Research Webinar Series have featured researchers who collaborated with the Army of Women® for the recruitment of their studies and had results to share. These webinars allowed researchers to present and discuss results and conclusions with both study participants and other interested Army of Women members. Many of you have participated in these webinars and we are thrilled to be able to close the loop on study participation and share the results of your efforts!

Study Spotlight: GAP, STONE, & WHIP Studies

Dr. Vanessa Sheppard and her research team at Georgetown University have been collaborating with Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation's Army of Women for study recruitment for over six years. The Army helped her team recruit for several studies, including the Protocol for Narrowing the Gap in Adjuvant Therapy (GAP) Study in 2009, the Stepping STONE (Survivors Taking on Nutrition & Exercise) Study in 2011, and most recently the Women's Hormonal Therapy Initiation and Persistence (WHIP) Study in 2014.

Researcher Spotlight: Shelli Kesler, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center

"I've been working with the Army of Women® (AOW) since 2009. At the time, I had just received a very large federally funded grant to study cognitive decline associated with breast cancer chemotherapy. I needed 200 volunteers, women with a history of breast cancer and women with no significant medical history. In my experience, healthy volunteers were the most difficult to recruit. In the beginning, enrollment was quite slow.

Clinical Trials

Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease.

Treatments might be new drugs or new combinations of drugs, new surgical procedures or devices, or new ways to use existing treatments.
