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Breast Cancer Treatments: When Less May Be More

Usually I come home from the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting mulling over data on new drugs or new treatment combinations that promise better outcomes. And while there are certainly a lot of new drugs in the pipeline as seen in the exhibit hall (see my AACR blog for some examples), I’m also seeing evidence that in some cases less may actually be more.

Breast Cancer Treatments That Shut Down the Ovaries: What you need to know

One of the studies that has attracted the most attention at the 2014 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting and in the media covering the meeting is a phase III trial that found giving a woman with hormone receptor negative (ER- and PR-) breast cancer goserelin (Zoladex), a drug that temporarily shuts down the ovaries, increased the odds that her ovaries would resume functioning after she completed treatment.