2023 Love is in the Air Luncheon

Friday, March 3, 2023  |  11:30 am

We held our post-Valentine’s Day “Love is in the Air” Luncheon at the gorgeous Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills on Friday, March 3, 2023. Thank you for joining us in celebrating LOVE, shopping our luxe boutique and mingling with some of Los Angeles’ most notable leaders in breast cancer research, before sitting down to a premium luncheon and awards program in the beautiful outdoor Wetherly Pavilion.



Lifetime Achievement Award

Larry Norton, MD, FASCO, FAACR

Senior Vice President, Office of the President;
Medical Director, Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center;
Norna S. Sarofim Chair in Clinical Oncology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York

Senior Research Advisor, Larry Norton Institute Soroka Medical Center
Be’er-Sheva, Israel

Founding Scientific Director, Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Dr. Larry Norton is involved in collaborations with Breast Cancer Research Foundation investigators on projects aimed at improving treatments in breast cancer and advancing understanding of metastatic breast cancer. Most notable of these collaborations is the Mathematical Oncology Initiative which brings together mathematicians, biologists, oncologists, and other scientists to develop new tools to interpret, model, and understand scientific data.

Dedicating his life to the eradication of cancer by activities in medical care, laboratory and clinical research, advocacy and government, Dr. Norton’s research achievements are trailblazing. He has been involved in the development of several effective agents including paclitaxel and trastuzumab. Dr. Norton co-invented the Norton-Simon Model of cancer growth which has broadly influenced cancer therapy, and more recently the self-seeding concept of cancer metastasis and growth. He is the Principal Investigator of an NCI Program Project Grant in Models of Human Breast Cancer and an author of more than 350 published articles and many book chapters.

Among many honors, Dr. Norton received ASCO’s Karnofsky and Bonadonna Awards, the McGuire Lectureship at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, MSKCC’s Whitmore Award for Clinical Excellence, Columbia University’s Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Research and The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Double Helix Award. Most recently, in 2021, Dr. Norton was elected to one of the nation’s most prestigious honorary societies: the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Community Impact & Philanthropy Award

Mrs. Sadler

Founding Chair of PACI (Persian American Cancer Institute)
CEO of Sadler Medical Group

Philanthropist Houri (aka: Hoora Hoori) Sadler is a cancer survivor. As a result of her negative experiences as both a cancer researcher and a cancer survivor, Mrs. Sadler founded PACI as a service organization to enable the Iranian-American community to reduce the impact of cancer today and eliminate the threat of cancer tomorrow. PACI was created as both a service organization for the Iranian-American minority and as a prototype to enable other minorities to advance their own cancer health care needs. PACI aspires to pave the road to healing and serve as a reminder that you are not alone, and that there is indeed life after cancer.

Event Chair: Sonya Rosenfeld
Sonya Rosenfeld was CAA’s senior-most woman in their Television department. At the end of 2021, Sonya retired after 35 years at CAA. She joined CAA two days after graduating from UCLA and was promoted to agent just three years later. Sonya served on the Foundation Board of Directors for almost a decade and currently sits on our Fund Development Committee. She remains an active philanthropist and community volunteer, this is her 3rd year chairing this event.

To learn more about the event, click here.

Sponsorship Opportunities
For sponsorship opportunities and benefits, download the Sponsorship Deck here.
For additional information, please email Michelle Woodhill.

Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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