Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research Hires Talented Individuals Looking to Make a Difference
The Foundation is dedicated to achieving a future without breast cancer by engaging the public and the scientific communities in innovative research on cause and prevention.
Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers positions with varying levels of responsibility for the development and support of our mission.
We also offer paid internships.
Open Positions
Breast Center Coordinator
The primary responsibilities of this position are to manage an outpatient women’s imaging center, utilizing the ultrasound imaging device being tested, QT Ultrasound. The Center Coordinator will oversee the functions of the QT Imaging Center at Los Angeles Beverly Hills and will be responsible for managing the functionalities of the center focusing on accurate, efficient, and comprehensive patient care.
To read the full job description and apply, click here.
Application Instructions
Submit your cover letter and resume to
Please note: All positions are remote unless otherwise noted in the job description.