Kelly Metcalfe, PhD, Women’s College Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
Research has shown that people who have inherited a mutation in the PALB2 gene are at increased risk for breast cancer. We have learned a lot about breast cancer that occurs in people with a BRCA mutation. But much less is known about breast cancer in those with a PALB2 mutation. The purpose of this study is to learn more about the effectiveness of screening and the effectiveness of different breast cancer treatment regimens in people with an inherited PALB2 mutation.
What does participation involve?
If you are eligible and agree to participate in this study, you will be contacted by a member of the research team at Women’s College Research Institute to discuss the study further and answer any questions that you may have. You will be asked to complete questionnaires about any genetic testing you may have completed, your cancer diagnosis, and your family’s cancer history. The researchers will review your medical records and your genetic testing results. Women who have had breast cancer surgery will be asked to donate a tumor specimen, if one is available. This is a long-term study, and the research team will contact you every two years with a follow-up questionnaire to learn how you have responded to treatment and if you have had a cancer recurrence.
Anywhere in the world
How can I sign up for this study?
You can sign up for this study if you match all of these main criteria. Please read this list carefully.
- You are a female (assigned at birth) who was diagnosed with breast cancer (Stage 0-IV) in the year 2000 or later.
- You have been tested for and found to have an inherited PALB2 mutation.
- Breast cancer was your first diagnosis of cancer.
- You can read and understand English.