
Double-Blind Randomized 12-Month Soy Intervention Had No Effects on Breast MRI Fibroglandular Tissue Density or Mammographic Density

Read this article on the Cancer Prevention Research website.

Publication Details

Wu AH, Spicer D, Garcia A, Tseng CC, Hovanessian-Larsen L, Sheth P, Martin SE, Hawes D, Russell C, MacDonald H, Tripathy D, Su MY, Ursin G, Pike MC. Cancer Prevention Research, October 2015

Study Information

Effects of Soy on Breast Tissue Study

This study at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA, is studying the effects of one year of soy supplementation on women with a family history of breast cancer (high-risk women) and women who have been treated for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive breast cancer. They want to see if soy can reduce breast density or slow or reduce cell growth in the breast. The researchers wanted to enroll 65 women. The Call to Action for this study was sent to Army of Women members on April 4, 2012. The researchers were able to close enrollment on March 26, 2013, after the Army of Women provided them with 147 women who were interested in enrolling in the study.



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