The webinar featured Dr. Dunya Atisha, MD, the Principal Investigator for the study, “Evaluating Patient Reported Outcomes in Breast Cancer,” which was supported by the Love Research Army.
The overall goal of this study was to learn about the impact of breast-conserving surgery/lumpectomy, mastectomy, and mastectomy with breast reconstruction on a woman’s quality of life, general health care experience, and satisfaction with care and outcomes. The research team needed women who underwent surgical treatment for ANY type of breast cancer, including LCIS, DCIS and Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, to take part in an online survey designed to explore the impact of breast cancer surgery. This study was launched to the Army of Women on May 24th, 2012 and approximately 9,282 Army of Women members expressed interest in participating! Watch the webinar to learn about the results of this study.