Read this article on the Cancer Prevention Research website.
Publication Details
Stearns V, Fackler MJ, Hafeez S, Bujanda ZL, Chatterton RT, Jacobs LK, Khouri NF, Ivancic D, Kenney K, Shehata C, Jeter SC, Wolfman JA, Zalles CM, Huang P, Khan SA and Sukumar S Cancer Prevention Research, August 2016
Study Information
Breast Estrogen and Methylation (BEAM) study
This study at Northwestern University, in Chicago, and Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, is looking for a better way to predict a woman’s breast cancer risk, and is investigating the potential for using DNA methylation and estrogen concentrations found in women’s breast tissue as risk biomarkers. The researchers wanted to enroll at least 400 volunteers. The Call to Action for this study was sent to Army of Women members on July 22, 2009. When the researchers closed enrollment on November 21, 2011, the Army of Women had provided them with 849 women who were interested in enrolling in the study.