Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of working with resilience coach, breast cancer survivor, nurse, and best-selling author, Hollye Jacobs. Hollye was 39 years old when her world was flipped upside down. As a mother and wife, and with no family history of the disease, her breast cancer diagnosis came as a complete shock. Soon after and while undergoing treatment, she launched her award-winning blog The Silver Pen. She shares her silver linings and offers a unique, empowering voice to take control of our lives and health. Hollye stresses asking the right questions, and more importantly, listening to the answers. Time is limited. Time spent doing one thing is time spent not doing something else.

She recently introduced me to the idea of decision-making through the lens “if something isn’t a hell yeah, then it’s a no.” Redefining yourself, changing focus, and saying yes to less is key. This mantra was originally coined by American writer Derek Sivers and is practiced and celebrated by many.

Managing our time efficiently is something most of us have struggled with at some point during our personal and professional lives. No matter what you tell the world or tell yourself, your actions reveal your truth. Success comes from doing, not deciding. If your answer to something isn’t as enthusiastic as “Hell yeah, I really want to do that!”, it’s time for a rethink.

For more information about Hollye Jacobs, click here.



Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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