Alfred, Lord Tennyson once said, “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier’”. No disrespect to Tennyson, but it seems that this new year isn’t whispering, so much as loudly announcing its long-awaited presence. Now, more than ever, people have been looking forward to the new year. With bated breath, I look toward the promise of a better year. Even so, 2020 brought plenty of positive change. For the Foundation, a fresh perspective has allowed us to grow and create amazing opportunities and possibilities for 2021. The pronouncement of hope for the new year has gathered friends, colleagues, and donors to begin the year with support, collaboration, and generosity.

Globally we are celebrating the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the prospect of an end to this pandemic. In other research news, we are thrilled that our portable ultrasound study in Mexico has been relaunched. We will continue to screen and collect images from women in Guadalajara. Our innovative partnerships with GE Global Research, UCLA, NASA’s JPL, USC, QT Ultrasound, and the Bedford Breast Center hold the promise of further advancement in 2021. 

Because bigger is better in fundraising, our walk to end breast cancer, Walk With Love 2021, is expected to exceed 34 states and 7 countries. As the next normal approaches, the Foundation will remain on the cutting edge. I look forward to sharing the Foundation’s progress as we move towards realizing our goal: to end breast cancer.



Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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