

Shelli Kesler, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX


We need women with a history of breast cancer who have completed chemotherapy treatment at least 1 month ago and healthy women to help researchers gain a better understanding of the effects of chemotherapy on the brain. The research team is looking for volunteers age 35 to 60.

The effects that cancer and its treatments have on brain health are not well understood. To address this problem, researchers at the University of Texas in Austin are examining brain function with computerized tests (done remotely via videoconferencing) and brain activity scans (done in person at the University, following strict COVID-19 guidelines).

The purpose of this study is to evaluate brain function associated with breast cancer chemotherapy. Information about brain function from healthy women is needed for comparison with women who have breast cancer.

What does participation involve?
If you sign up for the Predicting Brain Health After Chemotherapy study, the research team will call you to ask questions about your medical history to determine if you are a good fit. If you are eligible to participate, the team will schedule your first research appointment and send an informed consent form for your review.

During your first visit, the researcher will review the consent form in detail, allowing you to ask any questions before making a decision. If you decide to participate, we will ask you to come to the University for two study visits, 1 hour each. The first visit will occur after you enroll in the study. The second visit will be approximately 12-14 months after the first visit. During these visits, you will get a brain MRI scan, which uses magnetic fields to measure your brain’s structure and function. It does not involve any injections, radiation or other harmful effects. Within the same week as your MRI scan, we will ask you to take some online tests that measure attention, processing speed, memory, and language skills, and complete online questionnaires where you rate your mood, distress, energy, pain, sleep and other symptoms. You will complete these online tests and questionnaires at home using your computer. Our research staff will help guide you through these online activities via videoconferencing.

You will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and must wear a face mask for the duration of your MRI visit. You will be escorted by one of our study staff to the MRI suite while maintaining social distance. The only close contact you will experience will be for approximately 10 minutes while the MRI technician places you in the MRI scanner. All study staff and MRI personnel will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and must wear face masks and/or face shields for the duration of your visit.

You will receive a $75 gift card for each study visit.

*If you cannot travel to the University but meet the other eligibility criteria, do not sign up below, instead, please email the research team directly at to discuss your eligibility.

University of Texas at Austin and online (web browser, videoconference)

How can I sign up for this study?

You can sign up for this study if you match all of these main criteria. Please read this list carefully.

  • You are a woman age 35-60.
  • You are willing and able to come to the University of Texas at Austin for two visits.
  • You meet one of the following criteria:
    • You have a history of breast cancer and completed chemotherapy at least 1 month ago.
    • You are a healthy female with no major medical or psychiatric conditions, and do not have a history of breast cancer.
  • You are able to read and understand English.
  • You have a computer with internet access.

Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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