Read this article on the Breast Cancer Research and Treatment website.
Publication Details
Shapiro AC, Adlis SA, Robien K, Kirstein MN, Liang S, Richter SA, Lerner RE Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, February 2016
Study Information
Vitamin D3 Effects on Musculoskeletal Symptoms with Use of Aromatase Inhibitors
The Oncology Research Team at Park Nicollet Health Services and the University of Minnesota is comparing two doses of vitamin D3: the current recommended daily allowance (600 IU/day) and the known upper safe level (4,000 IU/day). The are trying to determine whether higher daily doses of vitamin D3 reduce musculoskeletal pain better than the standard daily dose and make it easier for women who have musculoskeletal pain to stay on an aromatase inhibitor for a longer period of time. They are also comparing changes in estrogen levels, bone density, and body composition between the two groups. The researchers wanted to enroll up to 150 volunteers near St. Louis Park, Minn, and the Army of Women (AOW) was one of their sources of recruitment. The Call to Action for this study was sent to AOW members on May 2, 2012, and the researchers closed enrollment on April 4, 2014. The AOW provided them with 27 women who were interested in enrolling in the study.