It’s almost October, and that means Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). Nonprofits have been prepping for BCAM since early this year, most will use familiar tropes and symbols in their campaigns: pink ribbons and products paired with stock images of women.

Other organizations sit on the opposite end of the spectrum: pink shaming or general silence around BCAM. Pink is not the enemy. In 2020, pink no longer means strictly female or feminine. This dated notion of women equaling pink in a world with a rainbow of genders is one of the past. At Dr. Susan Love Foundation for Breast Cancer Research, we’re not afraid of pink or its association with BCAM. This year, we have pledged to diversify breast cancer research, using pink (and blue, purple, and a variety of other colors) along the way.

We are, however, moving beyond awareness. Our campaign #LOVEBeyondAwareness signifies that our agenda is a major, multi-million dollar investment in scientific research with the goal to end breast cancer.

People are aware of breast cancer, and people are aware of the ever-present pink ribbon. People are far less knowledgeable about scientific research. Did you know that we are never going to end breast cancer in humans by researching breast cancer in mice since mice don’t naturally get the disease? We are leading the charge to promote research with people — #savethemice — and a diverse group at that.

Did you know that joining our Love Research Army is an easy and free way to make a real impact on breast cancer research, with or without a breast cancer diagnosis? So, this BCAM, wear pink proudly, but also commit to taking action. Join our Love Research Army and learn about our innovative research initiatives and help us #LOVEBeyondAwareness.



Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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