Savanah Reynoso




STAGE AT DIAGNOSIS: Stage 4 — Metastatic


In Her Own Words…

May 2018 my life changed when I received my breast cancer diagnosis. I had no idea what I was about to face and all the important decisions I would have to make.

When I heard the words “it’s positive for cancer” I completely went numb. I was 24 years old and just graduated with my BBA two short years before this. I was trying to figure out life as a young adult and this was the last thing I thought I’d have to deal with.

At that time, I was given the option for a lumpectomy or double mastectomy and I chose to undergo a double mastectomy. I was unaware that I had the option for immediate reconstruction, so I was flat for two years. During surgery they removed 35 lymph nodes and I was now at risk for lymphedema. After deciding to get a second opinion at MD Anderson, my oncologist told me the scans that had been done locally didn’t show all my organs. I redid scans and that’s how I found out the cancer had spread to my liver. I now had stage IV, metastatic, breast cancer. Before starting chemo, I was able to freeze my eggs, still holding on to hope that I’d be able to have a family one day.

I went through chemo, radiation, and a liver ablation. My body had responded well to the treatments and I was stable. I was then given the ok to proceed with reconstruction surgery. I was on Letrozole, along with Zoladex injections, since March 2019. It was working well until December 2020. Soon after my 27th birthday, getting engaged, and the holidays, scans showed the cancer had spread to new areas. I felt numb all over again. I was in a clinical trial from Feb 2021 until recently when I learned about my new progression to my bones, specifically my spine.

Every pain is a worry. Every scan makes me worry. It’s hard to accept that I’ll be on some sort of treatment for the rest of my life. This is my life with metastatic breast cancer.


Get To Know Savanah…

What has been the most challenging part of your journey?
Trying to balance this life with cancer as a young adult. Being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer when I was just 24 years old, I’ve had to accept the fact that life was going to be a lot different than what I thought it would be like.
What is your superpower?
Not letting cancer define the way I live.
What is your theme song?
What is your favorite movie?
The Great Gatsby
What your spirit animal?
What is your favorite food?
Italian food- lasagna, spaghetti, pizza
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What is your favorite quote?
“Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive”

What I want all breast cancer patients to know…

Take it one day at a time. It’s ok to have bad days but remember to cherish every good day. ❤️

— Savanah Reynoso


Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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