Understanding Breast Cancer

Understanding Breast Cancer

Breast cancer awareness campaigns have made us all very aware of breast cancer. But once you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, you realize being aware is only a starting point. Now, many women find they want to know more about cancer and how it actually develops.

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After a breast cancer diagnosis many women find they want to know more about cancer and how it actually develops

To learn more about what causes a normal cell to turn into a cancer cell, you may want to read How Cancer Develops If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may also want to look at Hereditary Breast Cancer to learn about testing for inherited genetic mutations.

In Newly Diagnosed and in Treatment Options you can learn more about your specific type of cancer and treatments such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. 

Love Research Army

We combat the disparities that exist in research by challenging the scientific community to launch studies that are as inclusive and diverse as the people that breast cancer affects.

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