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Financial & Legal Assistance

American Breast Cancer Foundation

The American Breast Cancer Foundation's Key to Life Program provides direct financial assistance to uninsured and underserved women and men to help pay for mammograms, biopsies, and breast cancer treatment and support services. Phone: 1-877-KEY-2-LIFE.

American Cancer Society

Local offices can provide information on local sources of financial assistance.

Angel Flight America

Provides free air transportation to people who need access to specialized health care facilities.

Benefits Checkup—A Service of the National Council on Aging

Helps people connect to private or government programs that help them pay for prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other needs.


Provides financial assistance and referrals.

Department of Veterans Affairs

Provides financial assistance to veterans and their dependants.

Disability Rights Legal Center, Cancer Legal Resource Center

Provides free and confidential information and resources on cancer-related legal issues to people with cancer, their families, friends, employers, health care professionals, and others coping with cancer.


Provides fertility preservation financial assistance.

Locks of Love

Provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the US and Canada suffering from long-term medical hair loss.


Federal insurance program and drug plan information.

My Hope Chest

Provides free breast reconstruction, following mastectomy, to those who qualify.

National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses

Provides lodging and support services to patients and their families confronted by medical emergencies.

Patient Advocate Foundation

Safeguards patients' rights through effective mediation. Focuses on care, maintenance of employment, and preservation of financial stability.

Social Security Administration (SSA)

Provides monthly income for the elderly and disabled.

The Pink Fund

Provides short-term financial assistance to women and men in active treatment in Michigan and California by making direct payment of bills such as: car payments, house or rent payments, payments for medical or auto insurance, and utility payments. The Pink Fund does not make payments for medical treatments, prescription drugs (including hormone therapy), co-pays, deductibles, prostheses, wigs, etc. Phone: 1-877-234-PINK

Triage Cancer

Triage Cancer provides access to information about all types of cancer survivorship issues including healthcare, legal rights, and finances.