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101 - You Have Breast Cancer: What Now?

After hearing the word cancer, it may initially be hard for you to take in any of the information you need, or even feel like anyone else really understands what you are going through. So be patient—with yourself and with others. Try to remember: Most women don't die of breast cancer and most do not have to lose their breast.

The first emotion many women feel after learning they have breast cancer is shock. Particularly if you’re relatively young and have never had a life-threatening illness, it’s difficult to believe you have something as serious as cancer. The initial shock can leave you feeling confused and unsure as to how to proceed. Your mind is seesawing between numb denial and terrified comprehension. But once you get the medical information you need to make decisions, things get better. Once those decisions have been made, things get better still. Take the time you need to make a rational, informed decision about what treatment will be best for you both physically and emotionally.

These sections of our website may be helpful to you right now:

Newly Diagnosed: Here you can learn about the different types of breast cancer.

Resources: Here you can find information about how to find information and support.​